Jobs in Indonesia


Wilmar Group
Bachelor Degree 2 Year

The job vacancy of Drafter was released on May 9, 2024, and it will expire on June 6, 2024.Although the vacancy is located in Gresik, the company may be willing to accept applications from outside the area if the candidate meets the necessary qualifications. This job opening mandates a minimum of 24 months of work experience in the same field.Please be informed that passing Bachelor Degree is a prerequisite for this job.Not knowing the salary, you can negotiate based on the company's approach to employee work-life blend and flexibility.Wilmar Group, the recruiter for this vacancy, will not accept applications that are submitted after the expiration date, so make sure to apply before then.

Applying for jobs online can be challenging, but you can avoid scams and fraud by keeping in mind some important tips. If you're unsure about a job posting, try to find other sources of information to verify its legitimacy before applying. Beware of job postings that ask for payment for training, equipment, or other expenses. Take note of any job postings that require you to pay money upfront, as they are likely scams. You can prevent scams by calling the company to confirm the job posting's legitimacy and the availability of the position. Be careful about what personal information you provide to potential employers to avoid falling victim to scams or identity theft. Make sure you're on the valid website to prevent any harm. It's a red flag if a job posting requires you to use your personal bank account for transactions. If an employer only wants to conduct your interview via email or text, it may be a scam. To ensure a successful job search, research the company thoroughly before applying for any job to verify its authenticity and reputation.

Qualifications : 

  • Min D3/ S1 in Piping Engineering 
  • Min 2 years experience in related industry will be an advantages 
  • Able to work in Under Pressure Situation
  • Fluent in English both oral and written, min pasif
  • Has a good communication & interpersonal skills
  • Willing to be placed in all operational units of Wilmar Group 

Take the time to carefully read the posting to ensure you're applying for the right job for you. We welcome applications from individuals who are committed to fulfilling the responsibilities and expectations of this job. Don't underestimate the importance of accuracy and completeness in your job application – these qualities can make all the difference. Please only apply for this job if you are committed to fulfilling the responsibilities and expectations.